Recover from aeration faster with Macro-Sorb Radicular
Cultural practices such as aeration, verticutting, and venting can be a major shock, even to a healthy plant. Macro-Sorb Radicular reduces that stress with an amino acid complex specificlly designed to promote root initiation and growth.
Aeration Recovery Program:
Pre-Aeration (2-4 days): Apply 6 oz. of Macro-Sorb Radicular, 2 oz. Macro-SI, and 2 oz. Macro-PHITE per 1,000 sq. ft.
Post-Aeration (2-4 days): Apply 6 oz. of Macro-Sorb Radicular per 1,000 sq. ft.
Lightly water-in all applications with a few turns of the irrigation heads
10 days post-aeration with 5/8 inch tines
Root and Shoot Growth Affected by Applications of Macro-Sorb® Foliar, Alone or in Combination with Macro-Sorb Radicular
​Dr. R.E. Schmidt, Virginia Tech University
This study was conducted on a creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) putting green at Virginia Tech University. Treatments included Macro-Sorb® Foliar applied at 2.0 fl oz./1000 ft2 alone or in combination with Macro-Sorb® Radicular at 4.0 fl oz./1000 ft2, as well as an untreated control. Treatments were re-applied every 14 days from May 14 to Aug 6. Throughout the course of the study, nitrogen was applied to the site at 0.4 lbs N/1000 ft2 monthly. Following treatment applications, 10 cm diameter plugs were removed from each plot and allowed to grow for 6 weeks in soil maintained at a low moisture content (7%) before root and shoot growth measurements were taken. Root length increased by at least 200% following applications of Macro-Sorb® treatments compared to the untreated control (Figure 1.). In addition, root mass increased over 500% following applications of Macro-Sorb® Foliar + Radicular (Figure 2.) when compared to the untreated control. While root growth significantly increased following Macro-Sorb® treatments, shoot growth was relatively similar to the untreated control, indicating an increase in stored energy used for root development of creeping bentgrass when put under abiotic stresses.